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PABLO AIR signs MOU with Hanwha General Insurance·weflo for future UAM safety management

2022.04.22 Views 1056

❚ PABLO AIR, expectation for competitive and reliable UAM operations 
❚ Application of aircraft safety diagnosis system and insurance model application prior to UAM commercialization


PABLO AIR (CEO Young-joon Kim) signed a Memorandum of understanding (MOU) for Future UAM (Urban Air Mobility) Insurance with Hanwha Insurance Co., Ltd. and weflo at Hanwha Insurance's headquarters on the 18th.

PABLO AIR, a leader in the Korean drone industry, conducting drone art shows and logistics delivery demonstrations with swarm technology for simultaneous operation of numerous drones, signed the MOU smoothly as its drone stability was secured above the standard.



▲ PABLO AIR will diagnose stability by applying weflo's drone diagnostic care service (joint-developed with PABLO AIR) and operate the aircraft ▲ Hanwha Insurance will present and apply an insurance model that reinforces detailed terms and conditions at reasonable prices. If drone insurance products that are systematically insufficient are carefully organized along with safety verification, it is expected to contribute to the development of liability insurance for each sector of UAM industry, which is an essential product for commercialization of urban air mobility (UAM).


"We carried forward this agreement to establish preemptive infrastructure for future UAM and overhaul related insurance systems,“ PABLO AIR Chief Operating Officer Jung Deok-woo said. ”PABLO AIR will make various efforts to prepare for competitive UAM operations based on stability in the era of UAM commercialization."


Meanwhile, PABLO AIR is promoting collaboration with various companies to actively participate in the development of the UAM ecosystem. In November, PABLO AIR succeeded in integration of Unmanned Traffic Management system (UTM), a flight control platform independently developed by PABLO AIR, with the Air Traffic Management system (ATM) of Incheon International Airport and also a UAM (Air Taxi) for the first time in the world with PABLO AIR Mobility Network (PAMNet). In April this year, PAMNet was selected as a finalist at the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) XCELLENCE Awards (Enterprise category). The final award announcement will be made at the "AUVSIXPONENTIAL 2022" in Florida on the 27th.